Thomas Tank Burn   6/19/2008

The prescribed fire known as the Thomas Tank Burn was ignited on June 18 and burning continued through June 20. As if on cue, rain fell on the burn site on June 21st. In all, 2,500 acres burned within a 4,300 acre perimeter. All of the involved land was Arizona State trust land and privately owned land on two area ranches. All ignitions were done from the ground. The fire crews worked in rough, brushy terrain in 100 degree weather. No accidents or injuries occurred during the operation.

The Malpai Borderlands Group and the involved ranching families thank Arizona State Forestry, the Arizona Department of Corrections, local southeast Arizona rural fire departments, Natural Resources Conservation Service Coordinator Don Decker, and all others who helped with the planning and execution of this burn for their efforts. The Thomas Tank Burn was successful both from the standpoint of natural resource enhancement and for the training opportunity it provided to the personnel involved. This was another great example of the coordination, cooperation and hard work that are the hallmarks of Malpai Borderlands Group projects.

Last Updates:  12/8/21

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